the spiritual femmepreneur is dedicated to women whose entrepreneurial businesses soar because of their commitment to their spirituality.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
A Pack of Wolves: A yogini looks at the aftermath of the election .
There is a traditional story of a wise elder who tells his grandson that we all have two wolves inside : one which is good and one which is evil. The grandfather explains that whichever wolf gets fed becomes the stronger wolf. The lesson is simple. Wherever we draw our attention, whatever we give energy to, gets stronger.
For many of us, the morning of Wednesday , November 9, was dark, foreboding and shocking.
The comments on social media, the altercations, the real fears and terrors expressed and the global reactions have been fierce, building momentum daily.
Half our country didn't even participate in the decision, which is a slap in the face to every veteran , minority and woman who fought for the right to vote. But darn it they will be complaining if the results don't meet their needs.
The yoga and wellness community responded in fascinating ways. Many posted encouraging quotes, "downloaded messages from Spirit" and attempted to elevate the collective conscience with a focus on love and unity.
Others got into social media arguments, try as they might to stay 'neutral'. Some reactions were quite raw and argumentative. Some yogis judged the reactionaries, complaining that
" we ought to know better" and be more "yogic" about the whole thing.
Then, of course, we had those who used the heartbreak to market their classes and programs, sneaking in the 'sell ' so that people could get calm and reconnected by attending one of their AMAZING events.
For me , personally, as a healer and intuitive, I felt the same dark spirit surrounding me that I experienced the night before 9/11 when I dreamed of our world being attacked by dark energies.
Yes, we can meditate, pray, envision love and healing, practice unity as much as possible and seek the highest good for all. We can be kind, understanding and compassionate. We can practice non-violence. We can live our yoga as much as possible.
Not everyone living in our country was raised with the ability to engage in such luxuries. Many people came from starved, oppressed, polluted and dangerous worlds where they were afraid for their own lives. The United States was their refuge, as it was for the very first immigrants who arrived in the 1600's.
Many who were born here have experienced such exclusion and abuse that living here has been anything but the American Dream.
What to do? What to do?
Of course the light shines in the darkness. We all know that.
Of course the truth sets you free.
Of course the ugliness needs to come to the surface sometimes so that it can be healed and transformed into light.
What we have in this election result is something that demands more of us than social media posts or attempts at being the light.
Here's why.
America just elected its first dictator. Plain and simple.
The effects of that decision are far reaching , with consequences within all levels of society.
It takes more than 'being love' . It takes concerted action, or tapas, to counteract the negative implications of these election results.
In ONE WEEK look at all the vitriol and harm that this election has caused to children, women, minorities, schools , and communities.
In ONE WEEK, look at all the people who are actually afraid for their lives: Women, Muslims, Jews, African - Americans , Latinos, LGBQ, Children of immigrants, people with disabilities.
In ONE WEEK, look at who the elected president wants in his cabinet!!!!!
What are we supposed to do? Feed the 'good' wolf without dealing with the 'bad' wolf?
First, we who are grieving need time to grieve. Healing does not happen overnight, and definitely not when the scab keeps reopening with each new disheartening announcement about the new cabinet appointment or some attack of a minority.
Second, many of us have been traumatized by the results of this election . I speak , not as a whiny victim, but as a woman with a prosthetic leg and a kidney transplant who is very concerned about the state of healthcare . I have friends who have been raped and assaulted, harassed and abused who are deeply troubled by America's choice of a sexual predator ( whether you agree or not) as our next president.
Third, I absolutely love and adore you as a divine creation whether you voted for the president elect or not, but it will take me a while to forgive you and come to terms with your decision, especially if you are a woman or a minority. Compassion for you and me? Absolutely. Seeking to understand where you were coming from when you voted ? Sure. Complete bafflement and confusion at your decision? Yes. Heartbreak in the depths of my soul for your decision? You bet, and then some.
Let's get back to our wolf.
Wolves move in packs. When one wolf is affected, all wolves are affected. In our president elect's world, the Alpha male and female run the show at the expense of the pack, but that is not how a wolf pack works.
While it is true all other members of the pack are subordinate to the Alphas, it is actually the Omega wolf, the lowest of the low, that holds the pack together. The omega wolf is the last to eat( if he or she is lucky), the most submissive and the least likely to be aggressive. The Omega wolf is the one who listens, the one who can handle the kvetching of the pack without causing tyranny, the one who keeps the peace at his own expense. When the Omega dies, the pack often becomes lost , goes into mourning and stops hunting, which can lead to starvation for the entire pack.
In other words, without the Omega , no-one gets fed, not even the Alphas.
To all those who voted for the president elect, I say go ahead. Buy your AK -47's because you can. Try not to be concerned when your teenage daughter tells you some kid just grabbed her pu**y because our future president did it, so it's okay now. Try not to complain when your grandmother loses her medicare due to your vote. Don't get cancer anytime soon Change your last name 'just in case" if your great-grandfather was Iranian, or Jewish. Enjoy the free emissions of your local plant once those darn environmental controls are let go. Have fun taking your kids to your local park, because you can't count on our president elect to protect our National Parks from oil companies. Good luck with educating your child, since kids will be even lower on the totem pole now. Lock up your disabled child, because there will no longer be room for her in this new society.
So yogis, our choice. Do we feed the wolf or starve him? Which wolf do we feed? Neither? Both?
How do we practice loving compassion? Is 'being love' really enough right now?
Monday, July 11, 2016
POLITE works.
Lately , my professional life has taken a back seat to another major health problem that was using up just about all my mental and emotional energy. I am SO grateful to be alive , breathing, walking and at inner peace as I practice what I preach, nurturing body, mind and spirit,focusing on my joy and happiness, and generally keeping my inner and outer circle healthy, both emotionally and spiritually.
It is so rare that I am in contact with anyone, professionally, who seems to lack decorum. By "lack of decorum" I mean someone who oversteps boundaries, has poor etiquette in business and in general is very self serving , for all their " I am so grateful, I am so honored" messages. I DO NOT HAVE TIME or energy to deal with any of it.
Maybe it's a stage of life, or the fact that I know what's important, and selling your product , or sharing my mailing list with you without any offer of reciprocity is completely irrelevant to my sacred work or my life.
It's more than entitlement. It's 'normalized' thinking that others are going to do the work for you that you need to do for yourself.
A prevailing message I keep seeing in my inbox from well meaning entrepreneurs and yoga therapists usually include a phrase such as 'I need you to' or 'I need you'. Often they add something about me being " a rock star" or 'how much they admire my work'. And some just brag about their professional accomplishments , shocked and unable to understand why 'I wouldn't be so incredibly honored to take a free unpaid hour out of my life to speak to them , colleague to colleague, offering them advice and guidance without offering anything in return except for their amazing presence'.
So for all you 'AMAZING' yogapreneurs and yogaprofessionals out there , here are two templates for you to follow ,should you desire to contact me.I love to support people I believe in .
If I offend you in any way, I apologize. I guess I am kind of old fashioned . I actually still believe in being polite.
Dear Ms. Danzig
I am the creator/CEO/Founder , etc of XY product. I admire your work with disability, etc . I am wondering if you would be open to sharing my information with your clients. Here is why your clients might be interested :
- benefit 1
- benefit 2
- benefit 3
Here is the link to read more about my product.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Name of founder
Dear Ms Danzig,
I am a yoga professional working with amputees. I am wondering if you would be available for a one hour phone consultation . Would you please tell me the cost, and how to pay you for your time? What hours do you offer private consultations? How and where do I sign up? Is there anything I should be preparing before our call?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Name of yoga professional
Monday, March 14, 2016
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Monday, February 15, 2016
It's been an exciting week here at Yoga for Amputees. I have experienced exponential growth in the awareness of my work, along with incredible opportunities "arising out of thin air" ( which really means I have been putting hours, weeks, months , YEARS into my unwavering vision that Yoga for Amputees be THE BEST and most respected international system to support amputees with yoga worldwide).
When my business starts to blossom in ways I always hoped ( and trusted) it would, ugly little gremlins stop by to whisper in my ear, stand in front of me with their invisible presence, and tease me at the moment I wake up .
Normally I talk to these gremlins to find out what they really need. I look deeper. I NEVER shut them up or take away their necessary presence in my life. They'll come back even stronger if I ignore them. We all have them . This is nothing new. What's new for me, and maybe for you, is admitting them, celebrating them and learning from them with compassion. and humor. In other words, give them a little taste of their own 'medicine'.
In ancient Irish, the word for gremlin is gruaimin which means "bad-tempered little fellow". For we spiritual femmpreneurs, we will change that to "bad tempered little girl".
When my business starts to blossom in ways I always hoped ( and trusted) it would, ugly little gremlins stop by to whisper in my ear, stand in front of me with their invisible presence, and tease me at the moment I wake up .
Normally I talk to these gremlins to find out what they really need. I look deeper. I NEVER shut them up or take away their necessary presence in my life. They'll come back even stronger if I ignore them. We all have them . This is nothing new. What's new for me, and maybe for you, is admitting them, celebrating them and learning from them with compassion. and humor. In other words, give them a little taste of their own 'medicine'.
In ancient Irish, the word for gremlin is gruaimin which means "bad-tempered little fellow". For we spiritual femmpreneurs, we will change that to "bad tempered little girl".
What might a bad tempered little girl be telling you that might not "really be so bad" after all?
- Bad tempered little girls sometimes have not had enough rest, good nutrition, laughter, hugs or downtime. Are you carving out time everyday to relax?
- Bad tempered little girls , at least in Irish mythology, adore mischief. In other words, they LOVE to mess with people's sense of reality. Are your gremlins pointing out something that about how you view your reality? Are they messing with you to keep you off track? Do you waste a lot of time worrying, or posting on social media, to continue to avoid cleaning up your mess? Are there steps you need to take first before you get to your grand vision? Are you living with a fear that stops you in your tracks but not doing anything about that fear?
- Bad tempered little girls sometimes feel grumpy because they are ignored. Are you listening to what your business wants, or are you doing what you think you should be doing?
- Bad tempered little girls can feel small in the big bad world. They may puff themselves to feel important or shrink down to avoid getting squished. Are you being yourself in your business?
- Fear gremlin #1- Someone will steal my original work , change a few words. and call it their own. It's happened so many times in my yoga life I have lost count. Putting my work 'out there' means I talk to this fear gremlin, reassuring her that people will do what they are going to do and I can stay elevated and elegant in my actions.
- Fear gremlin #2- There always seems to be someone louder, more popular and more visible who steals my moment after working so hard to get there. Yup, not a pretty one. My little gremlin doesn't like that at all! That's when I call on my trust. The right person , the right opportunity, the right time, happens when I surrender to the sacred river of my life which is exciting!
Let your gremlins talk . Don't push them away. Draw a picture of them. Remember they are mischievous. Maybe they have green pigtails, or a sneaky smile. It is always possible to befriend your gremlins. As Don Corleone said " Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
I'd love to know. How do you handle your gremlins?
Monday, February 8, 2016
When I received my kidney transplant , I was fortunate enough to have the support of a beautiful spiritual friend who sat with me in the hospital room once I got out of intensive care. Everything was going fine, and then it wasn't. Suddenly there was no more flow. Everything was stuck,. After so many years waiting for this moment, I was scared I was going to lose it all. My friend, whose voice has a natural delight in it, started to do a little Reiki over the new kidney .She began to talk/sing to the kidney ' Let it flow. Let it flow." , almost coaxing the kidney to come out and play. Within minutes, everything was flowing again. I was on my way.
Fast forward ten years. I've re-re-re-done my various business ventures countless times. I reach, I cajole, I invite, I rebuke, I demand and I compromise with my business so that my business can thrive.
I'll admit , it's a slow process sometimes. I get frustrated easily, especially when I work so hard and nothing happens. Other times, there is so much magic in the air I can't keep up.
Being in the flow has been a game changer for me for those days when disappointment is front and center, dreams adrift in a corner of my brain.
Here's what I do.
- Sit back. Relax your arms to your side. Keep your palms open. Wait. Tell yourself " I now receive my best next step and I commit to following through." If you hear " turn off your computer for the rest of the day" make sure you do that. Don't fall into the ethernet hole.
- Do something else. Read a book. Talk to a friend. Take a nap. Get into nature. Join a burlesque dance troupe( hey that group saved me from endless boring self imposed thoughts !)
- Do a new mind map. Take out pen, colored pencils, a large piece of paper. Draw a circle in the center . Write your main goal in the center. Draw lines from the center to any ideas that arrive. And if you're like me, dance the lines. What lines feel easy ? What lines feel uncomfortable? Ask yourself what the discomfort is all about?

Monday, February 1, 2016
Me, Age 22. Paris!
I have always loved France. Since I was a child, I wanted to learn French, teach French and ,well, be French. It's not just the sensuality of the language and food, or the incredible fashion sense, it really is the French way of being that I love. The French have endured so much over the centuries, yet the beauty of life is central to their existence.They take their joy seriously.
I was fortunate to live there , and work there. What I noticed again and again, was that celebrating life was central to their daily routine. Lucky for the French, they have no Puritan work ethic, yet they have produced some of the most breathtaking literature, films, building, businesses, art ( the list goes on and on) that ever existed. The feminine is not only applauded, its revered.
I decided, when I returned to the US, to keep what I loved about France.I'll be honest. I have not always been understood or welcomed . My warm heartfelt smile has been misinterpreted as frivolous, unprofessional or superficial. My adoration of elegance, fashion, refined beauty, and subtlety has been mistaken for "elitist" and "snobby".
The best part about my love of French culture and language, is that , like so many French, I don't really care what people think of me. I'm enjoying my life too much!
This past year I had the opportunity to be photographed for an upcoming yoga book. I am the founder of Yoga for Amputees and an amputee myself. . Out came the white body suit with grey lace . Out came the pearls. On went the spritz of Coco . Me, with a bodysuit,. and no prosthesis, sexy, subtle brave and elegant. I represented my business the way I wanted to be seen.
Me circa 2012
Would you like to Frenchify your business for added success?
Say OO LA LA to these tips
- Start small. French meals are offered in stages, with small , tasty portions on each plate. The French love to appreciate their food. They take time to savor. Like a delicious French meal, your business is an event. The steps to grow your business are best savored one by one rather than gulped down.
- Collaborate. You seldom see the French sitting alone at a cafe. They socialize in groups, with a balance of men and women. Remain curious when you meet fellow femmepreneurs. With your skills and their skills, you may advance your business even further.
- Bring beauty everywhere you go. French women take care of their skin and their body. They wear beautiful lingerie. They create beautiful environments filled with art, artifacts, texture, and color.Light a candle while you are working. Play some soft music. Eat a piece of chocolate. Step away from your desk to go chat with someone about non- work related subjects. Laugh daily and often. Get enough rest. Drink water.
- Take walks to get ideas about your business. Rather than push for more more more, walk away. Be in nature. Smile at humans. Breathe. Allow ideas to come to you.
- Let your business be a work of art. Not everyone has a business plan, Not everyone creates in a bubble. When you view your business as a painting, or a sculpture, you often get more creative and inventive.
- Start later in the day. Have time in the morning for self care. Include a truly delicious breakfast.ENJOY the morning light.
- Take a long lunch . Give your natural body clock the gift of eating slowly . Lunch is usually the biggest meal of the day for the French. Eat your lunch away from your computer. I guarantee you will get more done if you eat with reverence. Your body and mind will thank you.
- Dress up daily. French women think about their wardrobes. Each day their outfit tells a story of how they are feeling which creates a spirit of adventure and play. Even if you have a standard "uniform" in which you feel comfortable, add some unique accessories that have personal stories attached to them, like a large ring an old boyfriend gave you , or a scarf you purchased on a trip.
- Keep things fresh and in the moment. While there are grocery stores all over France, many times French people buy their food daily at local spots such as the butcher, the baker, the flower shop. If you're getting stale in your business , it's time to add some fresh ingredients to the mix. Change your focus. Be curious. Step back and ask yourself " What would be the most fun for me and my business right now?"
- Emote. The French are passionate. They are not afraid to express emotions. Watch a French movie and you'll see someone shouting and waving their hands, someone laughing hysterically, or someone crying with ease. If you are disappointed about something in your business, before you brave on through, feel the disappointment. Underneath that feeling may be anger, sadness, frustration which may be causing you to make the same business mistake over and over.
- Flirt with your business. The French love to flirt. Flirting in France is allowed and encouraged. It reminds us all that we are sexual beings , that we are all connected, and that life is to be savored and enjoyed. Talk to your business in a flirtatious way. Bring on the charm. See what emerges.
Marsha Therese Danzig
Monday, January 25, 2016
I'll admit it. Super ego girls make me cringe. I get anxious in my five toes. My soul feels like it sinks to the lowest portion of my abdomen. I find myself tightening every muscle, ready at a moment's notice for my competitive sprint across the finish line. I get lost in the whirlwind, grasping my way back home to my soul.
Not everyone who professes to be a spiritual femmepreneur, including me, is living their spiritual truths all the time.I've seen it in subtle actions, and in appalling displays of absurd bravado.
Sometimes there just isn't enough room for all of us. Not because we don't all have a right to shine, but because when super ego girl takes over, she can bulldoze her way through an entire crowd of wise women who never saw her coming.
Has this ever happened to you?
You are so excited to share your hard earned success story with one of your femmepreneur soul sisters. The moment you open your mouth, she is already dominating the conversation, telling you about her amazing news. What to do . What to do.
For the soft spoken among us, I have learned to make sure to protect my precious business.
Recently I was at a women's luncheon . One woman , for some reason, seemed determined to one up me every time I spoke.The group were interested in my work . I shared that I had two book deals which was endlessly exciting for me. This particular woman immediately wanted to know the names of the publishers. I have never been so evasive in my life because I felt her competitive nature seething through her charming southern drawl. She wasn't getting any information out of me.
Here's why.
TELL THE RIGHT PEOPLE . I am extremely careful with my precious pearls now. The spiritually powerful femmepreneur listens to her inner guidance first before sharing exciting news with anyone. In fact she often keeps her news to herself, so that it stays precious and sacred. Hard to do, but so worth it. Respect your dreams. . DO NOT OVERSHARE.
Right before I moved to Ohio, a very successful and well known femmepreneur approached me on Facebook about a live event she was offering. It sounded interesting to me,( although the cost was outrageous) but I was moving that week and could not attend, so I graciously wished her well. Rather than wish ME well, she bombarded me with guilt ridden messages, telling me to postpone my trip because "this event was going to change my life". In other words, if I didn't go , my business destiny was going to suffer irreparably.
STAY AUTHENTIC. In this new world of internet femmepreneurs , life coaches, "experts" with no formal training and all manner of "change makers", I often feel like a lone ranger who refuses to represent herself the way the "change makers" claim you need to, in order to 'make it'. Changing your name and your dress code may make you more marketable, but it won't impress we pure spirits. Give us the real goods. Authentic types won't fall for the inflated ego price tag. BE YOUR REAL SELF.
Last week I signed up for a yoga class. The woman at the front desk was busy chatting with other people behind the desk while she ignored me for quite some time. I waited. Eventually, she signed me into the computer without actually looking at me, took my money and sent me to the class. Sure enough, she was the yoga instructor. I got through the class with absolutely no sense of connection to her, the group or even my body. Her chill entered the room with her. Sacrificing one's humanity for the sake of being cool is a silly idea.
BE THE LOVE THAT YOU ARE. Be unafraid of presenting the full on loving, embracing, compassionate, present femmepreneur that you are. Love runs the show. When you are in your love, you show up wise , ready and fearless. You bring the depth of human connection into every interaction you have.
I'd love to know. How do you protect your sacred business?
Monday, January 11, 2016
Growing up, I often felt unseen in this world. Feeling unnoticed has carried over into my adult life as well : frustration with not always being "seen" in certain circles, not always being valued for my expertise, not always being heard for my point of view, and not always taken seriously for my contributions to the planet. With all my degrees, certifications, expertise and rich life experience, there are moments when I feel invisible.
Add to that all the 'visibility' of social media. Everyone wants to be seen. And heard . And seen and heard again.
For the past 30+ years, as I have danced my way in and out of various aspects of careers, I have had to let go, redefine, and recreate what I thought was important, what IS important and what is REALLY important.
I have danced this on my own, in my own way, with only a few role models along the way.
My role models are iconoclasts who were rebels that changed the status quo by being completely outrageous, in touch with both their dark and light.
Often these iconoclasts were shy, contemplative, just wanting to be themselves in a world of conformity.
One of them died yesterday.
Here's his take on visibility.
“Fame itself is not a rewarding thing. The most you can
say is that it gets you a seat in restaurants. Other than that, there's
very little about it that anybody would covet. I have my favourite times
when I'm not recognized"
Feeling unnoticed at the moment?
Here are some gifts invisibility is offering you.
Connection with the earth and animals
Ample time to develop your creative persona
Wild fashion experimentation
A rich spiritual life
Refinement in your interactions with others.
Personal power
The ability to see with infinite eyes
Ample time to develop your creative persona
Wild fashion experimentation
A rich spiritual life
Refinement in your interactions with others.
Personal power
The ability to see with infinite eyes
Invisibility, in shamanic terms, is the final step in mastering your domain; to be the SEER, rather than the seen. Invisibility protects you from being misperceived.
Transparency( which is really invisibility) is personal and professional freedom. Invisibility is sacred , where you can see life in its infinity . Invisibility is a power practice , to become the author of your life on your terms. This kind of invisibility is by choice, infused with intention and purpose.
When you feel invisible, become the SEER.
Use your assets.
Business Consultant,
business plan,
secret ingredient,
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
I am relatively new to the whole New Year’s resolution
thing. My resolutions always started in September, being the geeky student that
I’ve always been. After all, with a new school year comes new clothes, new supplies,
new classmates, new teachers and new opportunities . January 1 always seemed
like the let down after the excitement, the last day of vacation, the freezing
cold outdoors.
When I got serious about growing Yoga for Amputees® , TheJOY Breakthrough and my Healing the Luminous Body® practice, I changed. I was
making resolutions quarterly, weekly, daily. I was ready and excited to sit
still and listen as my 2016 New Year’s Resolution began.
The challenge was, the moment I sat down, I became anxious , and sad. I had been SO
excited to have my New Year’s revelation meditation morning. I
was planning on feeling good, empowered and ready to thrive.
Instead, I found a
lot of UNRESOLVED places both personally and professionally.
I hadn’t accomplished all I wanted to last year. I hadn’t
traveled the way I thought I would. I hadn’t committed to my wellness the way
I thought I would. I hadn’t done what I resolved on January 1, 2015, to do.
I was disappointed with myself. I was afraid , jittery,
frustrated about those old familiar annoying stories that creep up when I am
stepping into new territory professionally and personally.
I know this is not the new year’s post that femmepreneurs always
want to hear. I am sure most want to be
motivated, inspired, hopeful , tasting their success.
Except , that is not always how all femmepreneurs feel .
I am and always will be a firm believer in the concept of embracing
the WHOLE TREE. There are broken branches, withered leaves, abundant fruit, dry
seasons, overripe times, and complete green radiance. If you look closely,
though, you will see some hard won scars in the trunk, some serious longevity in
the rings , and some elegant grace that rises above the winds, rain and glaring
sun.In other words, trees( and solid businesses ) have gone through some 'stuff'.
Here is what I learned this New Year’s about creating a REAL
resolution that brings all of you into the picture.
Look at your wins first
This year, how about buying an “accomplishment journal” that you write
in every evening? Be sure to feel the effects of each accomplishment before
writing the next one. Dismiss nothing which you consider trivial. For example,
doing the dishes when you are laid out with a bad cold is a major
accomplishment in my book.
Disappointments need to be recognized, honored, and
Take some time this January to make a list of any disappointments
you had this year . Notice if the feelings about them are still strong. They
need to grieved , written about, talked about so they are no longer being
carried into 2016 unconsciously.
Ridiculously high expectations are an automatic set up for
Take a good look at your resolution meter. How often in life do you actually follow
through with what you resolve to do? Did
you say “I do” but didn’t? Do you say “yes” too much? Do you say “no “ too
much? Lower the bar if this is you. A LOT.
Forgiving yourself is not always the best course of action
We often hear the phrase “Oh , she did her best. That’s all she could do”. In
most cases, that is very true, but in some cases, are you being too easy on yourself? Are you constantly using the
excuse of “ I’m only human” to avoid taking responsibility for non-action, unethical
behavior such as stealing someone else’s ideas, or just plain distraction, such
as way too much time on social media? It’s
not always in your best soul interest to make excuses“.
“Sabotaging yourself” isn’t always the reason you can’t move
I can’t tell you how many femmepreneur coaches tell their clients that
the clients are sabotaging themselves by not doing such and such. The reality
is, often those coaches say that to make people feel shame,desperate for
help and sign up for the coach’s program.
There’s another approach. I call it “What
is it , my love?”
You DO need to take accountability for your actions, look
closely at your disappointments so you can feel and heal, be honest with
yourself, expect what’s doable .
You also need to have muchas compassion
for the wandering, scared , helpless little girl that resides inside every
femmepreneur. Don’t listen to anyone tell you that you are sabotaging yourself,
and definitely don’t listen to yourself if that’s where you go . Instead,
pause, breathe, and ask, “ What is it my love? What do you need right now?”
Perhaps it’s a hug, a nap, a piece of dark chocolate, picking up the phone to
make that cold call you have been avoiding for two months.
I guarantee you will
feel more empowered , more focused on your SACRED destiny,and you will make the
best New Year’s resolution you have ever made.
Let me know how it goes. I’d love to hear.
Marsha Therese
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