Saturday, February 14, 2015

Applause isn't everybody's turn on. What turns you on in your work?

This week I am living out my dream of being a GoGo girl.
That's right. 
I've had a pair of hot pink boots for years. I've worn them for various occasions ( wink). I am finally getting the chance to not only wear them, but to dance in them for my choreographer friend's performance.
One of my new dancing friends made a comment the other day, during dress rehearsal.
Applause is addictive, isn't it?
As I thought about what she said, I was struck by how much applause isn't such a turn on for me.
I get applause a lot, for speeches, trainings, book readings.
I never even hear it.
I am too busy thinking about whether I helped wake up someone's soul to the beauty of who they already are.
Yup, that's right. In my business, the soul wake up of a client really turns me on.
In that moment, I feel like I am seated in the throne room of the divine. 
You could say it is an other worldly experience.
In my case, this is my everyday world.
When I see my client's face light up, or hear her tears as she finally remembers what has always been there all along- her inner strength, her radiance, her magnificence, I know I am participating in heaven on earth.
The holy moment. It's breathtaking. And it's definitely my turn.
Want a holy moment in your life?

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