When I received my kidney transplant , I was fortunate enough to have the support of a beautiful spiritual friend who sat with me in the hospital room once I got out of intensive care. Everything was going fine, and then it wasn't. Suddenly there was no more flow. Everything was stuck,. After so many years waiting for this moment, I was scared I was going to lose it all. My friend, whose voice has a natural delight in it, started to do a little Reiki over the new kidney .She began to talk/sing to the kidney ' Let it flow. Let it flow." , almost coaxing the kidney to come out and play. Within minutes, everything was flowing again. I was on my way.
Fast forward ten years. I've re-re-re-done my various business ventures countless times. I reach, I cajole, I invite, I rebuke, I demand and I compromise with my business so that my business can thrive.
I'll admit , it's a slow process sometimes. I get frustrated easily, especially when I work so hard and nothing happens. Other times, there is so much magic in the air I can't keep up.
Being in the flow has been a game changer for me for those days when disappointment is front and center, dreams adrift in a corner of my brain.
Here's what I do.
- Sit back. Relax your arms to your side. Keep your palms open. Wait. Tell yourself " I now receive my best next step and I commit to following through." If you hear " turn off your computer for the rest of the day" make sure you do that. Don't fall into the ethernet hole.
- Do something else. Read a book. Talk to a friend. Take a nap. Get into nature. Join a burlesque dance troupe( hey that group saved me from endless boring self imposed thoughts !)
- Do a new mind map. Take out pen, colored pencils, a large piece of paper. Draw a circle in the center . Write your main goal in the center. Draw lines from the center to any ideas that arrive. And if you're like me, dance the lines. What lines feel easy ? What lines feel uncomfortable? Ask yourself what the discomfort is all about?

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