"Nothing grows in your comfort zone except fear and lack" Melissa H Dery
"A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. ... you may choose to stay there out of boredom and fear or lack of confidence." Pamela Van Kirk Schmidt
"Getting Comfortable With Discomfort Is Crucial To Success" Margie Warrell
As a female entrepreneur who uses social media regularly, I am inundated with positive messages that are meant to uplift, encourage and motivate me to action.
Last week, after reading the umpteenth post on stepping outside of my comfort zone so I could succeed in life and ( more subtly , have meaning and value as a human being because I would finally be growing), I had had enough!
I could feel the anxiety of "not enoughness" piercing the core of my drooping heart.
I recovered quickly.
And here's why.
I work with people who are in the midst of or just on the other side of very big traumatic life events, like losing a limb, dealing with PTSD after surviving a war , getting a cancer diagnosis, or living with a serious debilitating illness.
Believe me when I say, they are soaked in discomfort day in and day out, on every level and in every way.
Just to stay hopeful, positive and afloat, is a huge effort. And a HUGE success.
What MY clients need IS comfort. They need to feel reassured that their life has a hopeful future, that they can access their joy and happiness, that they can feel freedom in their bodies again, that they can trust the goodness of life.
What they don't need is someone telling them the only way for them to grow and become successful is to get outside their comfort zone .
My clients are outside their comfort zone already, trying with so much determination to get their comfort back.
What MY clients need is to get comfortable with experiencing comfort. To get comfortable with receiving love, support, nurture, compassion, and the simple JOY of being alive today.
An unintegrated person sucks it up, embraces their fear and just does it. Later on, the reverberations of what is not healed or "growing" hits them.
An integrated person has the tools to relax into support, embraces their fear and does it with consciousness. That's real growth.
There is something to be said for stillness. After all, the seed is hibernating for quite some time, absorbing all the nourishment it needs before it is ready to grow.
It's winter here in New England . The trees are bare of leaves, waiting, quite comfortably. Their roots support them. The trees know they will grow again.
Want to experience growth by learning
how to be comfortable again?
Contact me or
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