Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Pack of Wolves: A yogini looks at the aftermath of the election .

There is a traditional story of a wise elder who tells his grandson that we all have two wolves inside : one which is good and one which is evil. The grandfather explains that whichever wolf gets fed becomes the stronger wolf. The lesson is simple. Wherever we draw our attention, whatever we give energy to, gets stronger.
For many of us, the morning of Wednesday , November 9, was dark, foreboding and shocking.
The comments on social media, the altercations, the real fears and terrors expressed and the global reactions have been fierce, building momentum daily.
Half our country didn't even participate in the decision,  which is a slap in the face to every veteran , minority and woman who fought for the right to vote. But darn it they will be complaining if the results don't meet their needs.
The yoga and wellness community responded in fascinating ways. Many posted encouraging quotes, "downloaded messages from Spirit"  and attempted to elevate the collective conscience with a focus on love and unity.
Others got into social media arguments, try as they might to stay 'neutral'. Some reactions were quite raw and argumentative. Some yogis judged the reactionaries, complaining that
 " we ought to know better"  and be more "yogic" about the whole thing.
Then, of course, we had those who used the heartbreak to market their classes and programs, sneaking in the 'sell ' so that people could get calm and reconnected by attending one of their AMAZING events.
For me , personally, as a healer and intuitive, I felt the same dark spirit surrounding me that I experienced the night  before 9/11 when I dreamed of our world being attacked by dark energies.
Yes, we can meditate, pray, envision love and healing, practice unity as much as possible and seek the highest good for all. We can be kind, understanding and compassionate. We can practice non-violence. We can live our yoga as much as possible.

Not everyone living in our country was raised with the ability to engage in such luxuries. Many people came from starved, oppressed, polluted and dangerous worlds where they were afraid for their own lives. The United States was their refuge, as it was for the very first immigrants who arrived in the 1600's.
Many who were born here have experienced such exclusion and abuse that living here has been anything but the American Dream.
What to do? What to do?
Of course the light shines in the darkness. We all know that.
Of course the truth sets you free.
Of course the ugliness needs to come to the surface sometimes so that it can be healed and transformed into light.
What we have in this election result is something that demands more of us than social media posts  or attempts at being the light. 
Here's why.
America just elected its first  dictator. Plain and simple. 
The effects of that decision are far reaching , with consequences within all levels of society.
It takes more than 'being love' . It takes concerted action, or tapas, to counteract the negative implications of these election results.
In ONE WEEK look at all the vitriol and harm that this election has caused to children, women, minorities,  schools , and communities.
In ONE WEEK, look at all the people who are actually afraid for their lives: Women, Muslims, Jews, African - Americans , Latinos, LGBQ, Children of immigrants, people with disabilities.
In ONE WEEK, look at who the elected president wants in his cabinet!!!!!
What are we supposed to do? Feed the 'good' wolf without dealing with the 'bad' wolf?
First, we who are grieving need time  to grieve. Healing does not happen overnight, and definitely not when the scab keeps reopening with each new disheartening announcement about the new cabinet appointment or some attack of a minority.
Second, many of us have been traumatized by the results of this election . I speak , not as a whiny victim, but as a woman with a prosthetic leg and a kidney transplant who is very concerned about the state of healthcare .  I have friends who have been raped and assaulted, harassed and abused who are deeply troubled by America's choice of a sexual predator ( whether you agree or not) as our next president.
Third, I absolutely love and adore you as a divine creation whether you voted for the president elect or not, but it will take me a while to forgive you and come to terms with your decision, especially if you are a woman or a minority. Compassion for you and me? Absolutely. Seeking to understand where you were coming from when you voted ? Sure. Complete bafflement and confusion at your decision? Yes. Heartbreak in the depths of my soul for your decision? You bet, and then some.

Let's get back to our wolf.
Wolves move in packs. When one wolf is affected, all wolves are affected. In our president elect's world, the Alpha male and female run the show at the expense of the pack, but that is not how a wolf pack works.
 While it is true all other members of the pack are subordinate to the Alphas, it is actually the Omega wolf, the lowest of the low, that holds the pack together. The omega wolf is the last to eat( if he or she is lucky), the most submissive and the least likely to be aggressive.  The Omega wolf is the one who listens, the one who can handle the kvetching of the pack without causing tyranny, the one who keeps the peace at his own expense.  When the Omega dies, the pack often becomes lost , goes into mourning and stops hunting, which can lead to starvation for the entire pack.
In other words, without the Omega , no-one gets fed, not even the Alphas. 
To all those who voted for the president elect, I say go ahead. Buy your AK -47's because you can. Try not to be concerned when your teenage daughter tells you some kid just grabbed her pu**y because our future president did it, so it's okay now. Try not to complain when your grandmother loses her medicare due to your vote. Don't get cancer anytime soon  Change your last name 'just in case" if your great-grandfather was Iranian, or Jewish. Enjoy the free emissions of your local plant once those darn environmental controls are let go. Have fun taking your kids to your local park, because you can't count on our president elect to protect our National Parks from oil companies. Good luck with educating your child, since kids will be even lower on the totem pole now. Lock up your disabled child, because there will no longer be room for her in this new society. 
So yogis, our choice. Do we feed the wolf or starve him? Which wolf do we feed? Neither? Both?
How do we  practice loving compassion? Is 'being love' really enough right now?

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