Monday, February 16, 2015


My business is kicking up. I am updating all my websites, getting new clients, writing books, and generally feeling so excited to finally be doing what I love- helping my clients get their freedom and joy of life back. 

Freedom of movement with  Yoga for Amputees.
 Freedom to let their heart sing again with the JOY Breakthrough, for women living with chronic illness, worry or stress.
Freedom to PLAY with Color Me Yoga for Children
Freedom to feel better with Pediatric Yoga
Freedom to find their soul's path again with  Soul Retrieval

Which means I better make sure I am living by the standards that matter most to me.
After all, if I'm not living what I'm teaching, how can I really be effective in helping my clients.
 This is my daily checklist .
I trust it helps you too.

 Stay centered 
 Start your day the meditation way. 
Get your mind still so you can clear the rubble and get focused
  Stay open 
Have a daily plan and be willing to let go of it completely. 
New opportunities and unique connections will surprise you when you are receptive.
 Stay active
  Exercise daily to get your life force moving and feel great. 
Exercise lets your body know you adore her.
Stay in tune  
 Listen to your very wise heart throughout the day.
 Ask your heart what she needs and be willing to honor her request.
Stay inspired 
 Seek out inspiration through the arts, nature, children, beauty, intimacy. 
Light a candle if that is all you can do.
Stay put 
 Take time throughout the day to breathe deeply and BE. 
When your overactive mind has time to rest, your subconscious wisdom can rise and shine
 Stay grateful 
It takes a planet to grow you and your business. 
Always acknowledge all the seen and unseen forces at work to help you thrive.
Stay YOU 
Keep your integrity, self- care, inner compass and love intact. 
Your inner beauty and self -worth matter.

Want to live more freedom and JOY in your life?
Contact me. I know the ropes. I can bring you there. Promise.

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