Monday, February 1, 2016


Me, Age 22. Paris!

I have always loved France. Since I was a child, I wanted to learn French, teach French and ,well, be French. It's not just the sensuality of the language and food, or the incredible fashion sense, it really is the French way of being that I love. The French have endured so much over the centuries, yet the beauty of life is central to their existence.They take their joy seriously.
I was fortunate to live there , and work there. What I noticed  again and again, was that celebrating life was central to their daily routine.  Lucky for the French, they have no Puritan work ethic, yet they have produced some of the most breathtaking literature, films, building, businesses, art ( the list goes on and on) that ever existed. The feminine is not only applauded, its revered. 
I decided, when I returned to the US, to keep what I loved about France.I'll be honest. I have not always been understood or welcomed . My warm heartfelt smile has been misinterpreted as frivolous, unprofessional or superficial. My adoration of elegance, fashion,  refined beauty, and subtlety has been mistaken for "elitist" and "snobby". 
The best part about my love of French culture and language, is that , like so many French, I don't really care what people think of me. I'm enjoying my life too much!
This past year I had the opportunity to be photographed for an upcoming yoga book. I am the founder of Yoga for Amputees and an amputee myself. . Out came the white body suit with grey lace . Out came the pearls. On went the spritz of Coco . Me, with a bodysuit,. and no prosthesis, sexy, subtle brave and elegant.  I represented  my business the way I wanted to be seen. 
Me circa 2012
Would you like to Frenchify your business for added success?
Say OO LA LA to these tips
  1. Start small. French meals are offered in stages, with small , tasty portions on each plate. The French love to appreciate their food. They take time to savor. Like a delicious French meal, your business is an event. The steps to grow your business are best savored one by one rather than gulped down. 
  2. Collaborate. You seldom see the French sitting alone at a cafe. They socialize in groups, with a balance of men and women. Remain curious when you meet fellow femmepreneurs. With your skills and their skills, you may advance your business even further.
  3. Bring beauty everywhere you go. French women take care of their skin and their body. They wear beautiful lingerie. They create beautiful environments filled with art, artifacts, texture, and color.Light a candle while you are working. Play some soft music. Eat a piece of chocolate. Step away from your desk to go chat with someone about non- work related subjects. Laugh daily and often. Get enough rest. Drink water.
  4. Take walks to get ideas about your business. Rather than push for more more more, walk away. Be in nature. Smile at humans. Breathe. Allow ideas to come to you. 
  5. Let your business be a work of art. Not everyone has a business plan, Not everyone creates  in a bubble. When you view your business as a painting, or a sculpture, you often get more creative and inventive. 
  6. Start later in the day. Have time in the morning for self care. Include a truly delicious breakfast.ENJOY  the morning light.
  7. Take a long lunch . Give your natural body clock the gift of eating slowly . Lunch is usually the biggest meal of the day for the French. Eat your lunch away from your computer. I guarantee you will get more done if you eat with reverence. Your body and mind will thank you.
  8. Dress up daily. French women think about their wardrobes. Each day their outfit tells a story of how they are feeling which creates a spirit of adventure and play. Even if you have a standard "uniform" in which you feel comfortable, add some unique accessories that have personal stories attached to them, like a large ring an old boyfriend gave you , or a scarf you purchased on a trip. 
  9. Keep things fresh and in the moment. While there are grocery stores all over France, many times French people buy their food daily at local spots such as the butcher, the baker, the flower shop. If you're getting stale in your business , it's time to add some fresh ingredients to the mix. Change your focus. Be curious. Step back and ask yourself " What would be the most fun for me and my business right now?" 
  10. Emote. The French are passionate. They are not afraid to express emotions. Watch a French movie and you'll see someone shouting and waving their hands, someone laughing hysterically, or someone crying with ease.  If you are disappointed about something in your business, before you brave on through, feel the disappointment. Underneath that feeling may be anger, sadness, frustration which may be causing you to make the same business mistake over and over.
  11. Flirt with your business. The French love to flirt. Flirting in France is allowed and encouraged. It reminds us all that we are sexual beings , that we are all connected, and that life is to be savored and enjoyed. Talk to your business in a flirtatious way. Bring on the charm.  See what emerges.
For more ideas on how you can Frenchify your business, I'd love to chat with you. It all starts with Bonjour. 

Marsha Therese Danzig 

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