Think like a CEO, and behave like a lady.
Nothing is more irksome in the femmepreneurial world than a woman who leads her business with a reign of terror, diva demands , lack of accountability, or unpreparedness.While it's true we all have our moments, there comes a time when crossing the line is just not acceptable.
When a you think like the CEO you are , include your own needs and the needs of others. Own your mistakes with grace and be willing to improve your business so it is the best it possibly can be.Remain curious . Be solution oriented while giving room for the waning and waxing of the moon. Breathe. When you hold your big picture vision in mind, the daunting gate of uncertainty can give way to baby steps with big results.
Walk like you own the place , and give room for others to shine too.
Too often our unfinished personal business comes front and center when we are uncertain about next steps in our business. Are you the woman who tends to cower in the face of overwhelming personalities? Do you tend to take over, giving unsolicited advice, or demanding attention? Maybe you are the one who starts to make everyone else happy when faced with uncertainty.The place you are owning is YOU. When you bring YOU into a situation, others do have room to shine. Bring YOU and not your old go-to behaviors. Your Youness is what brings answers when you don't know what to do ( or be ) next.
Take your time
My beautiful Middle Eastern dance teacher, Katrina Valenzuela, taught me an incredible lesson this past year. "Goddesses take their time".Who says you need to do your business the way anyone else does? Who says that following this or that business plan is the only way to go?
Slow down. Imagine being a goddess. Who are you? What gifts do you bring to the world? And most importantly, what are you wearing?
At the moment, I am hanging with Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. Which means everything I am focusing on right now is reflecting my passion for beauty and my love for the work I do. Love and beauty take time to foster.
Take your time . In fact, take a nap. Answers to our struggles often come when our subconscious has time to speak.
You're welcome
Sometimes, we as women can be a little too humble, or a little too arrogant when we feel insecure about someone's offering of gratitudeWhen someone gives you a genuine thank you, do you brush them off with "Oh , it was nothing"? If so, stop! RECEIVE the thank you. Soak it in to your very soul. By receiving the thank you with a warm "You're welcome" you are keeping the flow of your business vibrant.
The same goes for the woman who is thinking " Damn right you're gonna thank me. I deserve it."
Being appreciative and saying "You're welcome" can loosen the hinges of the gate of uncertainty.
Find a new gate.
I remember watching a series about femmepreneurs who 'wouldn't give up on their dream". One woman had designed a plastic nail polish holder that she "knew" would make millions. Instead, her house was covered from floor to ceiling with these plastic 'thingys' , she was in serious debt and her marriage was on the rocks. Sometimes our uncertainty is telling us that we are focusing our energies ( our souls) on the wrong thing. How long have you been attempting to storm that gate and get to the other side?What would happen if you just let it go?
This year I donated nearly all my children's yoga products. They had been sitting in a warehouse in NJ for years, barely moving and selling. I spent so much time being frustrated with myself for not selling them, for not doing a good enough job marketing them. I mean they were so amazing... to me. Finally, I found two new gates (which happen to be wide open)- The JOY Breakthrough and Yoga for Amputees.
By letting go of nearly $40,000 of product, donating them to children in Haiti and Appalachia, as well as other children's centers and foster care facilities, these products are finally in the hands of the children they were meant to serve.
Are you feeling uncertain about next steps? Feeling like a big gate is blocking your progress? Talk to me. I can help you get crystal clear. Thank you and You're welcome.
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