It has been a while since a man held my car door open for me. Now for some women I don't know , nor will ever care to know, the mere fact of a man opening a door for a woman is effrontery, a slap in the face of 100 years + of fighting for equality.
It has been a while since I got to practice my old school Hollywood banter.
It's not that I don't get the opportunity on a daily basis to have a door opened for me or an opportunity to charm the socks off someone. I do. it's part of my daily mission. It's just..
Is it safe to venture into the world of endless charm without feeling like I've crossed a line, or the man has?
Charm has nothing and everything to do with sex appeal. Sex appeal has everything to do with feeling fully alive. Who doesn't want that?
Charm, door opening, meaningless SMART flirting was rather commonplace not that long ago.
Here's what can happen now.
A gentleman wants to open a door for you, but he is concerned that you will be offended.
Not me!
You start up a chat with a very kind fellow while you are in line at the bank. You want to say something a little bit naughty, but not too naughty. Just enough to make the fellow think. Will he get the wrong or right idea and suddenly say something crude? Will I then be offended, disheartened, discouraged?
Having lived in France for an extended period of time , I know that la bonne vie, the quiet smile, the door opening, the SMART flirting is just part of the scenery, like a strip mall is here in the US.
We are so numb to the barrage of tasteless, charmless, unsophisticated media out there that some of us( not me , mind you) have forgotten the subtle art of charm.
Charm is a way of living life that adds mystery, class and JOY.
My heart is full today. I got to experience the very thing I have missed for a while. It felt so good to be free . Free to be... me.
No strings attached.
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