I love Downton Abbey. As Irish and anti- class system as I am , I have been sucked into the story line. It's not just the drama of love, loss and society "rules", it is the way they speak, and the way they convey what needs to be conveyed in the most subtle of ways.
Case in point- the Dowager responding to a woman accusing her of never being wrong. " I am not familiar with that sensation".
As I dive into the next phase of my life and career, I am looking once again, very carefully, at who I consider to be a class act, and who is pretending to be.
For example , I love when people are graciously honest and up front with me. If they are taking one of my trainings so that they can go off and develop their own, I want to know, up front. Don't be afraid. I'll call you on my truth and yours and we'll all be better for it.
If people are "connecting" with me through Facebook , are they wanting to grow their mailing list or get to know me and what I do? I'm okay with the former. I just want them to be up front about it.
If someone is writing an article about something they are an "expert " in so that they can "help" others, then spend the remainder of the article talking about their program. why not just tell the truth from the beginning.
There is nothing less classy than a shroud of false seduction blanketing the real truth. It's so time consuming.
I have ulterior motives. We all do. I want my business to succeed. I want my voice to matter. I want to create a meaningful life that fulfills me and helps others feel fulfilled. I just believe in stating it plainly, graciously , with humility and sometimes a little mischief.
You get the picture. We are all afraid sometimes. We scramble. We do things on behalf of our business that look altruistic.
I say own the scrambling . Own the fear. Own the times when we are being less then charitable.
Own our vulnerabilities. Own the truth of our real motive.
Own them and get honest.
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