Friday, May 15, 2015


This past week I set out on a fiscal journey to give myself a raise.
I told God I needed a raise too, asking for guidance to help me find the way to my financial worthiness.
Lined up in columns across the entire floor were blank pieces of paper .
At the top of each column was a piece of paper naming each aspect of my business: Yoga, Training, Consultation, Healing.
First, of course, I opened up sacred space with prayers, ritual, a candle and some sage.

Hey, I consider my work holy work, so I need to charge a holy price!

With Sharpie in hand, and a pile of yellow post its, I began my process of figuring out exactly what I should charge .
I wrote down my first number- the number for what I charge now- on my first yellow post it, then planted it on the first blank sheet of paper in the lineup .
 I stood, yes STOOD , on the paper, and waited. 
How did my body feel? Could I breathe with ease?
 Was I feeling comfortable, resentful, frustrated?
I moved on.
Next paper, next post it , higher number. And so it went.
I am still working on this project.

A lot more happened than I expected.

Mostly Feelings.
Feelings of "what the ?", " are you kidding me?""how do I?" "can I really charge that?" and "hell yeah!"
And a whole lot of resentment. I had no idea the depth of frustration I felt that my generosity over the years had also become my financial roadblock. I also had no idea the depth of resentment I felt for people doing similar work to mine who are charging a whole lot more with far less experience or qualifications.
Over the years I have given too much.Over the years I paid for programs I should not have paid for. I gave too much to someone else's happiness and success at the expense of my own. I completely acknowledge that. 

Why? Because of GUILT.
Can any other Femmepreneurs relate?

I carried around some weird responsibility that kept me in this "ascetic mindset" , but I am not a monk and I do not live in an ashram. No heels allowed there!

So I began to notice- people coming in to my life the past few weeks who push some serious buttons in me.
I felt panicked all of a sudden.
Panic is good. 
Panic means I am finally aware that I am being asked to up my game and  define even better boundaries.
It's like giving yourself a patdown, making sure your worthiness is intact.
A friend of mine told me last week

 " Give from your excess, not from your essence".

You know, when you step into a bigger version of your dreams and business, customers have a way of showing up, "suddenly". 
As soon as this fiscal project began in my mind, people started writing, asking me  how much I charge for my work.

Charging my worthiness is not the same as charging "what I'm worth".

Here is my crash course in charging your worthiness
  • Acknowledge your credentials. 
  • Value your time and energy
  • Have absolute integrity
  • Only offer what you can truly give from your excess
  • Stand in the price that makes your whole body tingle with delight,  sexier and racier than you are used to.For Scorpios like me, your price will be off the charts!
  • That's the price that will reflect your worthiness to the world.

Let me know how it goes.

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