Friday, September 25, 2015

Poem for Dancers


Some people need to see the buildings with their gunshot wounds and crumbling towers
Some people need to read books by experts

I get my history from

Stomping feet
Slithering fingers
Chest presses
3’ leaps in the air
Deep squats
Gyrating hips
Tiptoes through tall grasses
Hands behind ears
Shimmying shoulders
Flat palms
Undulating spines
Chopping elbows
Pounding hearts
Flying trapezoids
Upturned chins
Smug faces
Joyous eyes
Hopeful shouts

I get my history from the rhythms of the people.

Marsha Therese Danzig
©copyright 2015 Color Me Yoga Enterprises, LLC All rights reserved

Monday, August 10, 2015

Legs aren't medically necessary .Huh.

Top 10 Reasons Prosthetic Limbs ARE medically necessary

  1. Full body movement creates health, increases endorphins, and significantly improves digestion- aka walking, running, dancing, skipping, snowboarding, yoga.
  2. Amputees with severe injuries are sometimes required to wear their prosthesis to avoid further injury and surgery.
  3. Walking  is a human right just as water is.
  4. Grasping , clinging, hugging, lifting, folding, lighting a match, writing, are all important gross motor skills fundamental to human survival.
  5. Exorbitant ongoing pressure on a a remaining limb weakens the limb, causing more medical problems, and for insurance carriers, more long term costs.
  6. Daily tasks, to function well in human society, become much more difficult without a prosthesis, in some cases limiting or eliminating the ability to work and pay taxes.
  7. Standing tall, walking, being able to stand for hours, or walk long distances allows prosthetic wearers to contribute meaningfully to the world with their jobs and families.
  8. Prosthetics often help veterans deal much better with phantom pain and PTSD because prosthetics provide necessary compression and get veterans moving ,feeling normal again.
  9. In other parts of the world. where prosthetics may be hard to get, many amputees end up on the streets, which drains the resources of the community in which they live due to violence,drugs, disease and helplessness.
  10. Finally, if an AMPUTEE Physician told any old male physician or male insurance agent that penises aren't medically necessary, there would be no more discussion on this subject.
Just sayin...
A below knee amputee

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Stress You Need to Go! Yoga Practice on the Fly for the Driven Femmepreneur

Do less. Breathe more. Listen.

This has been my mantra for many years as I grow my business.
There are days when I don't quite get to the 'less.Breathe more. Listen" part of the equation.
On those days, I am so focused that my entire body feels like a propelled arrow,  about to launch.
And it is on those days, that somehow the arrow never goes where I want it to go.
Why? I am using up my reserves. Forgetting what I came here to do. Not living what I am preaching. Scrambling for exterior goals that I think I "should" be pursuing, but honestly don't motivate me all that much- more money, more clients. More more more.
The results? The next day, I am more tired and more anxious that I haven't done enough. It takes more time to 'recover' from my over-pushed mind and body. More time wasted, less creative juices flowing.
I have found there is a really simple way to get back to MOI and what really motivates me.

I call it Yoga on the Fly.

Here's how it works.
I get in to my car. I am about to drive off to the next appointment . I am thinking ahead of every red light, strategizing which road will get me to my destination most quickly. Invariably I get behind a tractor, someone texting and swerving while attempting to drive, or a person of a certain demographic who may have some reflex and speed limit issues.

Or, I am typing away at my computer. Hours have gone by. Just one more sentence. Just one more contact. Just one more email.


What to DO? What to DO?

Yoga On the Fly Practice One
Mantra Time. "Aad Gurah Nameh. Sat Gurah Namay. Siri Guru Dev Ay Namay. " loosely translated as ' I bow to the Primal *Guru, I bow to the *Guru woven throughout time, I bow to the True *Guru, the true identity of the Self, I bow to the Great *Guru whose Great Glory will always be."  The Guru here is the inner wisdom/light we each hold that is part of the greater unity." It is a mantra known for protection.

Yoga on the Fly Practice Two
Meditation Time 
"Breathing in , I breathe in. Breathing out, I breathe out. That is enough."

Yoga on the Fly Practice Three.
The New Perspective Twist.
 If you are at a red light, or if you are at your office.
  • Keep your hips stable as you twist your torso and spine to the right.
  •  Let your head follow. 
  • See something new.
  •  Notice it. 
  • Hang out with it for 3-5 breaths. 
  • Come back to center . 
  • Twist to the left. 

Yoga on the Fly Practice Four
Sit Still!!!! You are at another red light, or you are fidgeting in your office chair. 
  • Pause. 
  • Let your busy thoughts float away on a raft out to sea. 
  • You are doing important work right now. 
  • Breathe in "I". 
  • Breathe out 'Am".

Yoga on the Fly Practice Five
Wake up Your Inner Goddess.
So here you are at another red light, or pounding away at that keyboard.
STOP whatever you are doing- over thinking, twiddling your thumbs, twirling your hair, chewing your gum.
  • Place your hands on your thighs.
  • Begin to circle your torso around 
  • Take a deep breath in
  • Lift your chest up and out . 
  • That's right. Let your TaTa's perk up. 
  • Then relax, exhale with a deep knowing sigh. 
You just unnerved the guy in the truck next to you, or your computer did a double take.

Now , back to work. Feel better?

Let me know how it goes.

Monday, June 1, 2015


Here's the thing.
It's not just that I am now dragging around the business card you thrust upon me. I have to figure out what to do with it.
This is time consuming for a spiritual femmepreneur like myself.

Here's why:
  1. You run back to your wallet to grab a business card for me, because you saw me and figured , of course I would want one of your business cards, which I didn't. I can connect to you online if I want to.
  2. Now, I can't just toss out your business card once I leave your presence. That would be disrespectful.
  3. You put time and money into the design and production of your business card. It would be rude of me to throw it out.
  4. I can't waste paper.
  5. I've got to create some sacred ritual around it. Do I burn it? Do I bury it?  Throwing it in the garbage makes me feel like I am throwing you in the garbage.
  6. Now I've spent some serious time, sometimes an entire day, wondering what I should do with your business card.
  7. Your card might be there, in my car, sitting in my passenger seat, waiting for me to figure out what to do with you.
  8. I have now spent too much time with you and your business card. 
  9. I am  resentful.
  10. I toss out the business card. I feel bad. I didn't want any of this. But how can I say 'No' when you got up into my face ? That would be rude too.
Yup, I know it sounds crazy, but that's my process. Can anyone else relate?

If you are a spiritual femmepreneur, here's why pushing your business card on someone can backfire.
  1. When you push your business card on someone when they have not asked, you are operating out of "not enoughness" or fear.
  2. If you are hurt because someone doesn't want your business card, it is totally about you and your own sense of worth.
  3. Are you that marvelous that you assume the forced upon party would of course want your business card? Perhaps that person really doesn't want you or your services, and especially doesn't want to be obliged to drag extra business cards around to share with others( the ultimate business card put upon), because yeah, she has SOOOO much time to do this for you .
  4. Pushing your business card on someone appears desperate rather than confident.
  5. TRUST that your work will speak for itself. 
  6. YOU are your business card. Share you, your worthiness, your smile, your enthusiasm for what you do and why you do it. 
  7. Have fun with your potential customers and colleagues.
  8. Be at peace with yourself and your business by being present with your potential clients and customers. Listening with simple presence is authentic , and shows real investment in a person's success .
  9. Peeps will be begging you for your contact information.
  10. Your business will grow because you are just that cool.
What do you think?

Friday, May 22, 2015


Because I have ventured into the world of Femmepreneurship in a bigger way in the past two years , I have continued to notice a trend that keeps gaining momentum, and keeps infuriating me.
There are so many life coaches, healers and authors out there now who generously offer inspiring quotes on their Facebook and Twitter pages. They write  useful self help articles online. They mean well, these coaches, healers and authors. I know they do.

Their platform is the power of self accountability, self choice for more positive outcomes, and  self responsibility. The thing is, their universal truth is not so universal.

These life coaches have a few things in common, as far as I can tell:

  • They can eat
  • They can turn on their faucets
  • They can leave their home without worrying whether they or their family will be shot / hatcheted / burned to death 
  • They have a place to call home
  • They can speak freely , become educated and own their own businesses pretty much unencumbered by military governments, secret police, religious zealotry, or rampant subjugation of women.

I am not saying these life coaches did not overcome major obstacles in their own lives.Many of them have come out of extremely dire circumstances to get where they are, and yes, they did make a choice . I just don't accept their adamant belief that we can all just "choose differently" without advocacy in place every step along the way. Advocacy such as relief organizations, medical support, food and medical supplies, social services, experts in therapy and healing ,  therapeutic organizations to help with trauma survivors, volunteers willing to transport people, protect people and transform unlivable conditions.

Let's take a broader look.

According to, 1 out of 9 people in the world is starving. When a person is starving, their brain atrophies, muscles are in constant pain, swallowing is virtually impossible, organs waste away, apathy and hopelessness become all consuming, and the ability to connect with humanity is severely diminished. A starving person does not have the energy to "choose their own love, happiness or joy".

Running water:
According to 1 in 9 people do not have access to safe water.
Over 2,000 people die daily (many children) from cholera, diarrhea and other unsafe water related diseases. A person living near contaminated water, or with little to no water, may not be redirecting their thoughts to "choose their own love, happiness or joy". They may need to address their dehydration first.

According to an article in the Independent, only 11 countries  in the world live in relative peace. People in war torn countries, living in refugee camps, of course still find love, happiness and joy. After all, the human spirit is miraculously resilient. But, a person living in a war zone may have a few other things to contend with along the way besides their "free choice to love, happiness and joy".  And even those who come back from war , our veterans, may be in such a state of PTSD that "choosing love and happiness" may take second rank to overcoming the belief that  they are not under constant attack.

Refugee Camps:
Close to one billion people do not have a home. Many are living in makeshift shelters and refugee camps to escape violence in their homeland. Conditions in refugee camps can be very harsh: dry heat, overcrowding, disease, lack of safety for girls and women. Surviving the day may be someone's greatest achievement. Knowing that someone such as an "expert life coach" has given them the go ahead to choose their own happiness may somehow not have gently fallen on their ears.

Human Trafficking:
There are still over 30 million slaves worldwide. Slaves- people who have no choice and are owned by someone else, are human beings treated as chattel . Of these 30 million, 2 million are children. Sex trafficking is a $32 billion dollar industry. So....  I am guessing that :"choosing love , happiness and joy" would be nice, but not necessarily at the top of the list for a woman with no rights and no options.

My point is, unless a person's basic needs are met, anecdotes such as 'Choose Love." "Choose Your Own  Happiness" and "To be happy, you need to make your own happiness" are insufficient .
I say to those who speak these anecdotes-
"Choose to serve those who NEED love, food, a home, safety, hope.' 

This Labor Day, as we get ready to honor our those who stood up for workers, let's remember that Choosing Love and Choosing Happiness can only happen when we first choose to acknowledge all that has been freely given to us.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015


        One day last year , I was meditating on how to grow my business.
The thought that dropped into my lap was " Belly Dancing". The next day I of course received an invitation to join a belly dancing class in my area.
Rather than continue to struggle with developing a linear,"tactical" business growth plan, I listened to my gut which is always right.
Why is my gut always right? Here are a few insights from the most current research on belly wisdom.
The belly is known as the second brain, because it houses our enteric nervous system(ENS).The ENS not only sends signals to the brain and vice versa, the ENS is like a giant recorder, absorbing everything we think and feel. From a somatic point of view,  belly tissue is our psychological hard drive. Those of us who have become experts at  listening to our body wisdom know what's what. And for those who aren't quite there yet, belly dancing WILL help.

      Rigid belly? Rigid thoughts. Rigid actions. Rigid business plan.
     Undulating belly? Riding the waves of your business. Creative actions. Visionary business plan.

       Belly dancing makes you smile and FEEL blissful. Belly dancing is natural to we birth givers and life sustainers. And because belly dancing is designed to elevate our feminine power , there is no need for competition. Belly dancing celebrates women. Belly dancing celebrates celebrates life. 

    Rather than face your business plan "head on", slither up to it "belly on" with these
belly dancing basics.

Hip Circles
When building your business , consider all the different ways you can grow your business. Expand your territory beyond  your vertical linear thinking. Embrace and include new ideas, enveloping them into the fold.

Figure 8’s
No matter where you go with your business plan, trust that you will always return to home base: WHY you want to create your business. Be willing to stray away and explore new possibilities with the knowledge that you will come back home.
Hip drop
Lift yourself out of any limited thinking about yourself or your business. Only drop what you don't need anymore when the rhythm is right. Play more, and tease your naysayers. You're in control of that hip, and your business.
Business success and growth comes in waves. Flow with them.You know you are moving fluidly with the waves when your bare feet stay on the ground. Undulations can retreat but they can also push forward. 

Shoulder and hip shimmies shake things up in the most subtle of ways- just enough to keep you from staying on one task for too long, or following a  lead that drains your energy. Shimmies feel light and free, but make no mistake, it takes A LOT of practice to maintain control while still staying loose. 
All belly dancing starts in the feet and knees. Solid footing , trusting that the ground will support you, allows shimmying. Don't get in over your head , say 'yes' when you mean 'no' or do anything that will close down your joy.
Don't be concerned with feeling you need to be serious or "professional" when you meet with clients and peers. Belly dancing helps you maintain your ground.You can't help but feel like smiling when your hips are doing all the talking. 

Belly dancers move to the rhythm of the drum. They use their whole body to transmit that rhythm in both large and small movements. Listen to the rhythm of your business  rather than force your business to follow someone else's rhythm. 

Only by tuning in to the subtle wisdom of your body will you gain mastery of your dance. Mastery is only achieved through practice. You have to earn your shimmies, undulations and figure 8's by taking the time to learn proper technique. When developing your business plan, know that it is a work in progress. Are you really the same in your business as you were one year ago? If you are, it is time to take up belly dancing today!

Dress for sensual success
Be more visible in your business. Take bold steps. Get out there. Go barefoot for a change. Be unencumbered in your approach to your business . Less is always more. Always include all your senses in your decisions. When offered an opportunity, or a payment, ask yourself " Does this turn me on?"

Celebrate your beauty by caring for yourself. 
Belly dancers aren't wearing much, but what they are wearing is soft, gilded, and reflective of their environment. Their hair is down. Their eyes are expressive. They mix structure with a billowy sensuality that makes us say Oooo and Ahhhh. Are you too billowy, getting lost in your world without personal boundaries? Wear a pair of harem pants. Are you so locked in your old ways that you can't even think about doing a hip circle? Throw on a flowy dress and take a barefoot walk in the grass. Dare to say yes to what you are really feeling.

And most importantly, tie a belly dancing scarf around your hips and start dancing. All those gold coins dangling from your belly won't move unless you shake them.

Special thank you to my teacher, Khadija!

Friday, May 15, 2015


This past week I set out on a fiscal journey to give myself a raise.
I told God I needed a raise too, asking for guidance to help me find the way to my financial worthiness.
Lined up in columns across the entire floor were blank pieces of paper .
At the top of each column was a piece of paper naming each aspect of my business: Yoga, Training, Consultation, Healing.
First, of course, I opened up sacred space with prayers, ritual, a candle and some sage.

Hey, I consider my work holy work, so I need to charge a holy price!

With Sharpie in hand, and a pile of yellow post its, I began my process of figuring out exactly what I should charge .
I wrote down my first number- the number for what I charge now- on my first yellow post it, then planted it on the first blank sheet of paper in the lineup .
 I stood, yes STOOD , on the paper, and waited. 
How did my body feel? Could I breathe with ease?
 Was I feeling comfortable, resentful, frustrated?
I moved on.
Next paper, next post it , higher number. And so it went.
I am still working on this project.

A lot more happened than I expected.

Mostly Feelings.
Feelings of "what the ?", " are you kidding me?""how do I?" "can I really charge that?" and "hell yeah!"
And a whole lot of resentment. I had no idea the depth of frustration I felt that my generosity over the years had also become my financial roadblock. I also had no idea the depth of resentment I felt for people doing similar work to mine who are charging a whole lot more with far less experience or qualifications.
Over the years I have given too much.Over the years I paid for programs I should not have paid for. I gave too much to someone else's happiness and success at the expense of my own. I completely acknowledge that. 

Why? Because of GUILT.
Can any other Femmepreneurs relate?

I carried around some weird responsibility that kept me in this "ascetic mindset" , but I am not a monk and I do not live in an ashram. No heels allowed there!

So I began to notice- people coming in to my life the past few weeks who push some serious buttons in me.
I felt panicked all of a sudden.
Panic is good. 
Panic means I am finally aware that I am being asked to up my game and  define even better boundaries.
It's like giving yourself a patdown, making sure your worthiness is intact.
A friend of mine told me last week

 " Give from your excess, not from your essence".

You know, when you step into a bigger version of your dreams and business, customers have a way of showing up, "suddenly". 
As soon as this fiscal project began in my mind, people started writing, asking me  how much I charge for my work.

Charging my worthiness is not the same as charging "what I'm worth".

Here is my crash course in charging your worthiness
  • Acknowledge your credentials. 
  • Value your time and energy
  • Have absolute integrity
  • Only offer what you can truly give from your excess
  • Stand in the price that makes your whole body tingle with delight,  sexier and racier than you are used to.For Scorpios like me, your price will be off the charts!
  • That's the price that will reflect your worthiness to the world.

Let me know how it goes.

Monday, April 27, 2015

10 Surprising Benefits of Surviving a Gazillion Life Threatening Illnesses

  1. You're free. You really don't care what other people think about you. I mean you REALLY don't care.  You understand that life is soooooo precious that you might as well BE YOURSELF through and through.
  2. You speak with hope.Your suffering will always trump everyone else's which is why you don't talk about it too much, because life is soooooo precious you don't want to waste a minute of it. I mean you REALLY don't want to waste a minute of it.
  3. Your compassion for others is through the roof!
  4. You know A LOT- A LOT about medicine, bodies, pain management, inventive ways to get through the day, maneuvering with crutches, wheelchairs, tight spaces, stairs , health, nutrition, alternative medicine, wellness, spirituality and how to choose your happiness because life is sooooo precious.
  5. You are intuitive. You have "feelings" about things and people. 
  6. You are at peace. You are no longer afraid of death because you've got that one covered. Been there, done that.
  7. Your senses are heightened. You can smell a Bull-s'er a thousand miles away. 
  8. You know how to stand up for yourself. If someone tries to put you down or squeeze the life out of you, you know what to do. You've already had the life squeezed out of you so many times you can't even count. You know how to fight, and you know how to win.
  9. You care . You are a give back kind of person, someone who truly values life , who doesn't want, but NEEDS to contribute meaningfully to the world.  
  10. You are beautiful. And you know it. You've earned your right to shine.Those scars aren't for nothin, honey.

Marsha is the developer of The JOY Breakthrough:A spiritual healing program for women living with or just on the other side of serious or chronic illness.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Two authentic joyful world leaders 

 Armor Up.
It's what we do when we are afraid, hurt, angry, uncertain, or ashamed.
It's what we do when we feel bad about our business, our achievements, or our lack of clarity.
It's what we do when we know we are lying to ourselves, but want to save face.
It's what we do when we feel threatened by someone else' s success, or beauty, or whatever it is we don't "have".
It's what we do when our hearts are breaking. And they are breaking much more than we think.

We femmepreneurs put our whole heart in our business. Try as we might to be positive, sometimes it's not exactly what is going on inside.
Every time I see someone succeed on the coattails of content(pretty much stolen) that I created over years of teaching and mastering my craft, I have to swallow and "swim in my own lane". Except sometimes I feel like  I need to build cement walls around my lane so no-one will dive in and swim faster to get to the finish line before me. And then what. 
So what? 
Every time someone who I know is competing with me(yawn)  asks me how my business is doing, I give my best and only answer. " I am so fulfilled by the work I get to do on the planet".  It's about the calling , not the cash.
As a woman, I just don't buy into my value being linked to my number or clients or my cash. 
My value comes from within. The cash comes after. I couldn't live with myself if I was driven by competition alone because it separates me from ME. Yuck!

Open Up
It's what we do when we feel safe with someone.
It's what we do when we are relaxed.
It's what we do when we feel supported and nurtured.
It's what we do when we realize how much we DO have, how much have ALREADY accomplished.
It's what we do when we honor our own efforts and achievements.
It's what we do when we are comfortable in our success, in our beauty, in our SOUL.
It's what we do when we can just exhale and be ourselves.
We femmepreneurs are at a unique juncture in the world. Do we open up or armor up?
What might happen if we allowed ourselves to trust our instincts even more? If we chose women in our business circle who can share authentically and with heart? If we chose to support the right kind of women, rather than drain our energy on women who are still armored( but maybe we think we should get to know because they are so well known. "successful", have the cash, are well connected.- ) But guess what? We don't like them!
We'd rather be ourselves, know who our posse is. Let the wise heart do the talking.

Swami Kripalu ( the lineage from which I studied yoga) once said "Each time you judge yourself(and also others ) you break your own heart."

Please don't break your own heart, sister entrepreneur. Stay authentic. You deserve to be yourself.

Friday, March 27, 2015

The Femmepreneur Expert : Who is She, and How Does She Do It?

Belief is everything. 


In this world of femmepreneurship I am asking myself every day, how is my inner world reflecting my outer world today? Where do I need to clean up my act, and where am I already polished and ready ?
For a long time, I worried about why certain aspects of my yoga and healing programs , and books, were not thriving the way I thought they "should" be. It's really tough when you have worked so hard to develop a training and have one person sign up, to see someone else with less experience , less qualifications and less "classy" marketing tactics flourish beyond their wildest dreams. I don't get jealous. I get mad- mad at myself, wonder what I am doing wrong, what I could be doing better, and the ultimate put down, one I think many of us suffer from- What's wrong with me?

How about nothing? 

I call it the Julia Roberts syndrome. Whether you agree with me or not, I for one think Julia Roberts is gorgeous, warm hearted , interesting, cool and a HORRIBLE actress. Yet, there she is , a mega movie star, getting the roles , getting the moolah, getting the recognition, getting the credit. 
I think it is because she just decided she was a good actress. She created the belief and the belief is reflected back to her.
I remember reading about an incident with Marilyn Monroe, where she was walking with a friend in NYC. No-one recognized her. The friend asked " Why didn't anybody recognize you?"  Marilyn's response? " I was being Norma Jean, not Marilyn Monroe".
Who are you in your public persona? Who are you in your private persona? Does your heart feel clean in how you present yourself? Are you being honest with who you really are? Have you really earned the right to call yourself an expert? Or are you diminishing yourself when indeed , you really are the expert? Are you giving yourself too much credit for someone else's work? Or are you giving yourself enough credit?

Who are you , expert?

 Here is my definition of the femmepreneur expert.

  • She has transformative knowledge to share with the world based on lived experience over an extended period of time, at least 10+ years
  • She has advanced study in her field
  • She  has written about her  field
  • She has taught extensively in her field
  • She  has found a unique spin and perspective in her field that makes it her own
  • She is playfully curious about her field 
  • She is not egotistical, but deeply embodies her knowledge 
  • She delights in discovery
  • She TRUSTS that her knowledge comes from a deeper source and gives credit to Grace.
  • She sings her true song, stays in her heart, and stands her ground
  • She lives from her body
  • She cannot be swayed.

How about you? How do you define expert? Send me an email. We'll chat.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Get Real in order to Flourish , Womanpreneur! and Yo, Pharrell, own up!

When a woman starts a business, or is well on her way in her business, lots of old behaviors, feelings and 'unfinished' places can make some very grand appearances.

That's a good thing! 

It means you are awakening to releasing old ways of thinking(usually misguided self protection from childhood)in order to embody who you've always been at heart. 
Here are some common behaviors that can come into full frontal view when we are fully immersed in our business:
  • Overdoing
  • Disorganization
  • Overcommitting
  • Fear
  • Jealousy
  • Arrogance
  • Apologizing
  • Lack of self care
  • Grief
  • Despair
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Confusion
  • Poor Decision Making
  • Impatience
  • Lying
Yup I said it. Lying. 
And here's how it can creep up.
  1. You lie to yourself about what you physically can and cannot do by over-committing, overdoing,  becoming underfed, under rested and under cared for.
  2. You lie to yourself about what you are really feeling when the technology isn't working, or you can't actually pay for that service, so you go into debt, or mess up your computer by overreaching your technical capacities and don't get the help you need.
  3. You say NO when you could say yes because you don't think you have the skills, confidence, ability which clearly you do, according to everyone you know who believes in you.
  4. You don't own up when you make a mistake. You say things like " Yeah, I could have been a little touchy" when you exploded at a staff member. Touchy? Really? You were nasty. Own it!
  5. You are feeling so sad that things didn't go the way you had planned, and rather than give yourself the completely necessary space to feel the grief so you can move on, you clam up, bite your lip and continue. Believe me when I say, your body will find a nice hiding place for that grief, like lower back pain, an ulcer, high blood pressure.
  6. You say you are transparent in  your marketing,  yet your actions are manipulative and deep down, kind of threatening. Entrepreneurs who live from inegriy have no need to say they are transparent. They just are.
  7. Maybe you DID take someone elses amazing idea and claim it as your own . You can convince everyone else, but deep down, unless you are a sociopath, your beautiful soul is feeling really ashamed. Why not give the credit where the credit is due? You'll have your moment to shine too. Need some ideas on what not to say when you get found out?Check out Pharrells's lame dishonoring response to Marvin Gaye's family.
  8. Finally, maybe you are being too hard on yourself. Maybe you have set nearly impossible standards for yourself that you can't keep, so you "keep up appearances" with others. Inside your soul is crumbling, as it would when pushed too far. 
My recommendation?
Sit quietly with the real you. Ask her who she is, not who you think she is. Watch what pops into your mind. You may be surprised to learn she always wanted to fly kites, or make glass marbles. 

When your soul, your integrity and your self care come together, 
you are  flourishing big time.

Hail Womanpreneur, Full of Grace!

Let's get real together