Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Stress You Need to Go! Yoga Practice on the Fly for the Driven Femmepreneur

Do less. Breathe more. Listen.

This has been my mantra for many years as I grow my business.
There are days when I don't quite get to the 'less.Breathe more. Listen" part of the equation.
On those days, I am so focused that my entire body feels like a propelled arrow,  about to launch.
And it is on those days, that somehow the arrow never goes where I want it to go.
Why? I am using up my reserves. Forgetting what I came here to do. Not living what I am preaching. Scrambling for exterior goals that I think I "should" be pursuing, but honestly don't motivate me all that much- more money, more clients. More more more.
The results? The next day, I am more tired and more anxious that I haven't done enough. It takes more time to 'recover' from my over-pushed mind and body. More time wasted, less creative juices flowing.
I have found there is a really simple way to get back to MOI and what really motivates me.

I call it Yoga on the Fly.

Here's how it works.
I get in to my car. I am about to drive off to the next appointment . I am thinking ahead of every red light, strategizing which road will get me to my destination most quickly. Invariably I get behind a tractor, someone texting and swerving while attempting to drive, or a person of a certain demographic who may have some reflex and speed limit issues.

Or, I am typing away at my computer. Hours have gone by. Just one more sentence. Just one more contact. Just one more email.


What to DO? What to DO?

Yoga On the Fly Practice One
Mantra Time. "Aad Gurah Nameh. Sat Gurah Namay. Siri Guru Dev Ay Namay. " loosely translated as ' I bow to the Primal *Guru, I bow to the *Guru woven throughout time, I bow to the True *Guru, the true identity of the Self, I bow to the Great *Guru whose Great Glory will always be."  The Guru here is the inner wisdom/light we each hold that is part of the greater unity." It is a mantra known for protection.

Yoga on the Fly Practice Two
Meditation Time 
"Breathing in , I breathe in. Breathing out, I breathe out. That is enough."

Yoga on the Fly Practice Three.
The New Perspective Twist.
 If you are at a red light, or if you are at your office.
  • Keep your hips stable as you twist your torso and spine to the right.
  •  Let your head follow. 
  • See something new.
  •  Notice it. 
  • Hang out with it for 3-5 breaths. 
  • Come back to center . 
  • Twist to the left. 

Yoga on the Fly Practice Four
Sit Still!!!! You are at another red light, or you are fidgeting in your office chair. 
  • Pause. 
  • Let your busy thoughts float away on a raft out to sea. 
  • You are doing important work right now. 
  • Breathe in "I". 
  • Breathe out 'Am".

Yoga on the Fly Practice Five
Wake up Your Inner Goddess.
So here you are at another red light, or pounding away at that keyboard.
STOP whatever you are doing- over thinking, twiddling your thumbs, twirling your hair, chewing your gum.
  • Place your hands on your thighs.
  • Begin to circle your torso around 
  • Take a deep breath in
  • Lift your chest up and out . 
  • That's right. Let your TaTa's perk up. 
  • Then relax, exhale with a deep knowing sigh. 
You just unnerved the guy in the truck next to you, or your computer did a double take.

Now , back to work. Feel better?

Let me know how it goes.

Monday, June 1, 2015


Here's the thing.
It's not just that I am now dragging around the business card you thrust upon me. I have to figure out what to do with it.
This is time consuming for a spiritual femmepreneur like myself.

Here's why:
  1. You run back to your wallet to grab a business card for me, because you saw me and figured , of course I would want one of your business cards, which I didn't. I can connect to you online if I want to.
  2. Now, I can't just toss out your business card once I leave your presence. That would be disrespectful.
  3. You put time and money into the design and production of your business card. It would be rude of me to throw it out.
  4. I can't waste paper.
  5. I've got to create some sacred ritual around it. Do I burn it? Do I bury it?  Throwing it in the garbage makes me feel like I am throwing you in the garbage.
  6. Now I've spent some serious time, sometimes an entire day, wondering what I should do with your business card.
  7. Your card might be there, in my car, sitting in my passenger seat, waiting for me to figure out what to do with you.
  8. I have now spent too much time with you and your business card. 
  9. I am  resentful.
  10. I toss out the business card. I feel bad. I didn't want any of this. But how can I say 'No' when you got up into my face ? That would be rude too.
Yup, I know it sounds crazy, but that's my process. Can anyone else relate?

If you are a spiritual femmepreneur, here's why pushing your business card on someone can backfire.
  1. When you push your business card on someone when they have not asked, you are operating out of "not enoughness" or fear.
  2. If you are hurt because someone doesn't want your business card, it is totally about you and your own sense of worth.
  3. Are you that marvelous that you assume the forced upon party would of course want your business card? Perhaps that person really doesn't want you or your services, and especially doesn't want to be obliged to drag extra business cards around to share with others( the ultimate business card put upon), because yeah, she has SOOOO much time to do this for you .
  4. Pushing your business card on someone appears desperate rather than confident.
  5. TRUST that your work will speak for itself. 
  6. YOU are your business card. Share you, your worthiness, your smile, your enthusiasm for what you do and why you do it. 
  7. Have fun with your potential customers and colleagues.
  8. Be at peace with yourself and your business by being present with your potential clients and customers. Listening with simple presence is authentic , and shows real investment in a person's success .
  9. Peeps will be begging you for your contact information.
  10. Your business will grow because you are just that cool.
What do you think?