Friday, March 21, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Sometimes I struggle with being my own boss. Like so many of my female entrepreneur sisters, I WANT to grow my business, share my gifts , make a meaningful difference in the world, be valued for my experiences , and be paid well .
I have years and years and YEARS of experiences in all sorts of arenas. That does give me a huge knowledge base to work from.
And yet I am such a beginner in so many arenas.
One thing I love about having a dancer's mind is the ability to play in the moment and see the bigness of that moment .
I offer these Beatitudes, or Blessings,  to those female entrepreneur sisters who really want to live their business from authenticity, wisdom, and a knowing heart.

Blessed is she who knows just enough, for she shall remain curious

Blessed is she who likes to teach, for she shall remain teachable

Blessed is she who prefers to listen, for she shall be a healing heart listener

Blessed is she who walks away from people who just don’t “feel” right, 
for she shall be protected

Blessed is she who doesn’t use overused catch phrases for her business
 for she shall stay creative and inspired

Blessed is she who does not over toot her own horn, for she knows that all trees are beautiful, just because

Blessed is she who makes no grand unsubstantiated claims about herself, or her skills,
 for she shall be rewarded with an uncompromised heart

Blessed is she whose work takes care of itself, for she shall be honored with a job well done

Blessed is she who does her work out of love, for she shall be truly loved

Blessed is she who knows she needs God, friends, family, animals, the sky , the sun, the wind, the waves, the MOTHER to be a successful woman.

Blessed is she who trusts, for she shall be trusted.


Copyright © Marsha Therese Danzig 2015