Thursday, January 30, 2014

Is JOY a corny word?

Is JOY a corny word?

Corny "appealing to the emotions in an obvious and tiresome way"

I can think of a lot of words that are tiresome and obvious .
I don't find JOY to be one of them.
Happiness, now there's a word. It's fun, it's flirty, it's fleeting.
Happiness has always made me a bit uncomfortable, like the movie WILL end, the glass of wine WILL be drunk, the experience WILL be complete. 

I 'm a fan of JOY.

I think the French have JOY nailed.
First there is 'Content'. Content is the word the French often use for happy.
Heureuse is exactly that- happiness as a bubbling emotion, something of the hour "heure".
But JOIE? JOIE is a way of life for the French: taste, touch , sound ,smell , hear. JOIE is in the atmosphere and in the very food they eat. JOIE is the senses awakened. 

JOIE takes time.
And who has time for time in the US?
I say whether you think it is corny or not, JOY is our true nature. If you feel silly with JOY,
LA JOIE is right here waiting to kiss your sweet neck and soak you with endless doses of VIVRE.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Read your Fear Book from cover to cover. It's juicy.

Once upon a time I thought I had already written the ending of "that story".
Closed the book. Moved on. Done already.
Then BOOM! a little kernel of just plain icky stuck itself right on the side of my grin.
I see you there. Don't you worry.

What d'ya want?

Sometimes what we thought was finished is anything but finished.
Isn't that wonderful? I think so. I truly do.
This weekend my fierce girl Pam Wills and I led a retreat called " From Fears to Fierce".
Our group looked at our number one fears, hung out with them, and gave them permission to sayonara.
Permission is everything.
We can be so frustrated, so uncertain, so worried, so excited, so joyous, so happy, and then "that" story envelopes us.
I say read the story from cover to cover, as many times as you want. Be sure to close the book when you are finished. That's the trick.
Then, write, draw or dance a sequel, an addendum, an index, a footnote section, a complete bibliography, an illustrated manuscript, a set of flash cards, a brand new book.